FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 22, 2019
Scottsdale, Arizona: USA -Red Rover Ventures, an organization committed to preventing blindness, announced today that it has been awarded a $10,000 grant from PayPal Gives . The grant was recommended by PayPal’s employee-volunteer led Scottsdale GIVE Team, and it will be used to target uncorrected refractive error among the homeless in Phoenix.
Vision 2020 Phoenix will streamline the ability of student mobile teams to triage eye problems, refract and provide glasses to those in need quickly via Street Medicine Phoenix.
Executive Director, Robin E. Martini, and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robin D. Ross explained that their “global mission” also includes local projects or “GLOCAL” and that in 2018 the University of Arizona College of Medicine students working in street medicine performed a needs assessment and found eye care and vision needs to be a significant priority to those battling homelessness in Phoenix. “We shared the community need and our non profit work with our clinical retina patients at Global Retina Institute. One of our patients mentioned the grant. I explained that uncorrected refractive error or the need for glasses as one of the major causes of reversible blindness. Vision is more than eyesight and the patient championed the grant. We hope the grant will help our students to meet the eye care needs of the homeless here in Phoenix during 2020.”
Vision 2020 Phoenix was made possible through PayPal’s GIVE Team program, which empowers employees globally to support the communities in which they live and work through volunteerism and employee-sponsored grants. With 35 GIVE Teams worldwide, employees recommend over $1,000,000 in grants each year, which are then distributed to benefitting organizations through PayPal Gives.
“PayPal Gives helps us extend the positive impact we seek to have as a company and actively contribute to and strengthen communities around the world,” said Julie Vennewitz-Pierce, Director of PayPal Gives. “We’re proud to support a wide variety of programs around the world, each of which helps build stronger, more inclusive communities that enable greater opportunity for individuals and families. RED ROVER VENTURES is a great example of this effort, and we’re pleased to support their work.”
Red Rover Ventures is a 501c3 focused on eye research, education and development work to prevent reversible blindness. Eighty five percent of blindness is reversible and today there are almost 1 billion living with blindness.
Funded by corporate contributions, PayPal Gives is one of the ways PayPal steps forward to further our social impact objectives and actively support our communities across the globe. PayPal Gives supports and amplifies PayPal employees’ efforts to better the neighborhoods in which they live and work through charitable giving, volunteering and fundraising.

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